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3bhk-2560sft 3-3.5bhk-2585-3115sft 3-3.5bhk-3115-2585sft
3 BED - 2560 Sft 3 to 3.5 BED - 2585 to 3115 Sft 3-3.5 BED - 2585 to 3115 Sft
3.5-4bhk-3165-3835sft 4bhk-3790-3840sft 4bhk-3810sft
3.5-4 BED - 3165 to 3835 Sft 4 BED - 3790-3840 Sft 4 BED - 3810 Sft
4bhk-3840sft 5bhk-5200-5920sft
4 BED - 3840 Sft 5 BED - 5200 to 5920 Sft  
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+91-98863 77748